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SNOGG – Dan, ko jer vrag salo – REVIEW

Snogg’s offering to March’s subscribers is an epic 20 minute single track. The song, titled “Dan, ko je vrag vzel šalo,” translates to, “The Day the Devil Took the Joke.” Throughout the song listeners will be treated to several tempo and vocal changes. There are elements of experimental Black Metal, noise and general strangeness on this track. Despite the different styles included in this piece, it connects and flows well into each style without any jarring changes.

If you are looking for something to different and far from the norm, “Dan, ko je vrag vzel šalo,” is unquestionably worthy of your attention. With so many musical changes and styles coming at you, this track just begs for multiple listens. So pour yourself a cup of your favorite Trve Kvlt coffee, kick off your shoes and take a journey with Snogg.

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CULTIC – High Command – Review



The production on Cultic’s, “High Command,” is as thick and murky as the material itself. The album starts out with “The Conqueror,” that plods along with raw riffs that perfectly blend in with the old school production on this album. This song sets the tone for the rest of your listen, so if you are looking for some sort of studio polished banger, you may want to skip this one. However, if you dig your doom raw and with all of the production values of an old school cassette recording from a friend’s basement, this one’s for you. The rawness of this recording, however works perfectly for the Doom and Sludge sound that Cultic are going for here. The primitive and early Celtic Frost vibe work both for and against what Cultic are trying to achieve here, as the album can tend to become a tad bit repetitive causing some of the songs to blend together. There still is plenty to enjoy here and is not a bad start for their first album.

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MYRDOD – The Mourning Hollow – REVIEW

The Pennsylvania duo unleash a portal into a dank a swampy void of Hell with their latest release, ” The Mourning Hollow.” Myrod provide plenty of thick Black Metal atmospheric chaos that warps the mind as they take you with them beyond this realm. The recording is just as thick and murky as any good ol’ classic Black Metal sound should be with echoing rasps and tortured screams oozing through each track. “Orb Weaver,” starts the album with a somber and eerie tone that gradually adds in blast beats drums and guitars like a rolling storm. “Drom,” is the standout song here with sick guitar riffs that make you want to put your fist through a wall, inhuman garbage disposal sounding lyrics  It’s a brutal assault on the senses that will leave you scrambling to pick your brains off of the floor. (Naturally, in a good way.)  “Diabolical Ancient Blessing,” closes things out with enough adrenaline and speed to leave you thirsty enough for another spin.

Myrod’s blending style of raw Black and touch of Death Metal is a brutal and spiritual assault that is as melancholy as it is savage. A must listen for this Holiday season.

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KRIGSGRAV – The Sundering – REVIEW


Wise Blood Records are killing it with releases this year. Dallas, Texas based Krisgrave have released their sixth full length album, “The Sundering,” on the label and it is an absolute monster. Their latest effort includes a new lineup featuring sole returning member David Sikora on the bass and drums and new members,Cody Daniels on lead guitar and Justin Coleman on vocals and rhythm guitar. Krisgrave takes some of the best elements of Doom and Black Metal and combines it with an impressive amount of Melodic Death Metal vibes. There is also plenty of atmospheric tones throughout this release that keep it from getting stale. Vocals alternate between deep bellows and high, raspy shrieks. The rhythm sections provides the familiar blast beats which blend in well with the impressive twin guitar attack of ferocious harmonies and head banging riffs. That is what sets this album apart from the many different bands that have developed a similar style of Black/Melo Death Metal. Krisgrav excels in blending both styles without sounding forced or sterile. The Doom elements are haunting and covered in a thick haze with plenty of different layers of instrumentation woven in. The Melodic parts will leaving you pumping your fist to the catchy riffs and incredible hooks.

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MOTHER OF GRAVES – In Somber Dreams – Review

Mother of Graves is an Indianapolis based band formed by of extreme metal veterans in 2019. This is the kind of output you get when you have a lifetime of experience between members….Metal Magic! This is Melodic Death/Doom at it’s finest. “In Somber Dreams,” is an incredibly powerful listen with some standout performances throughout. The production is slick with the occasional clean guitars and atmospheric piano and of course, some punishing doom loving riffs. “Nameless Death,” is the prefect track to listen to if you want to get a real feeling for this release. From the opening notes, it is crammed full of heavier than hell doom riffs, while keeping an extreme somber and melancholy feel, then the vocals and piano undertone drive the song home.

If this EP is any indication to where metal is heading in 2021, we are on the right path.
To get your little hands on this ep, head on over to WISE BLOOD RECORDS

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AWENDEN – Golden Hour – REVIEW

Awenden comes to you from Olympia, Washington with their second release, “Golden Hour.” This album is an incredibly atmospheric Black Metal experience from start to finish. Mostly a somber and reflective listen with bits of familiar Black Metal concepts of tremolo picking, blast beats and torchered vocals spread throughout the album. It’s enough to be relaxing and Metal as fuck at the same time. Metalheads can take some time to chill and reflect too. 

Awenden has often been described as Cascadian Black Metal which is noted for its lengthy atmospheric compositions, which are awesomely abundant on this release. Most tracks on “Golden Hour” extend the 10 minute mark, but the songs flow well and before you know it, you have listened to the album in its entirety. Even those of us who may have a shorter attention span by listening to entirely too much Grindcore will find this a thought provoking and intriguing listen.

The production on this album is incredible which is important to note as many Black Metal bands have the recording quality of a Casio keyboard in someone’s parents’ basement. The record sounds full from start finish and captures the fierce flows of chaotic guitars and vocals into melancholy synth and murky and sinister arrangements. 

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SHEZMU – A Travers Les Lambeaux – REVIEW


Shezmu is basically the Egyptian demon god of wine, oils, blood and slaughter, which makes for a fucking epic band name. The band lives up to the expectations of their namesake by delivering an absolutely crushing debut album.


The lower end guttural vocals are perfectly blended into the sonicscape of maniacal musicship that goes from lurches along one moment to fast and frenzied burst the next. Shemzu perfectly blends the best elements of extreme Metals like Doom, Death, Black and even some atmospheric bits like some sort of twisted alchemist. With thick and meaty groove riffs that quickly change tempo alongside some solid drumming, pounding bass and wild variety of vocal effects, Shemzu are putting something out that is both fresh and familiar. 

“Les Secrets des Ziggourats,” has an amazing mid song groove, alongside some incredible blackened thrash and some additional haunting vocals to great effect. The interlude ,”La Rage,” is haunting and eerily relaxing instrumental that perfectly breaks up an otherwise rather intense album. 

With plenty of unrelenting brutality expertly mixed with intense and almost hallucinogenic atmospheric vibes,” A Travers Les Lambeaux” is a truly unique take on tried and true Extreme Metal components while remaining faithful to the source material. 

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Not much is known about the mysterious Cursewielder. The group hailing from South Ireland, released their debut demo EP, Arma Christ via Fomorian Hate Recordings earlier this year. With only 3 songs, it’s a short but powerful listen. The recording is extremly raw, dark and murky as fuck. Just the way we like it!  This demo is covered in plenty of harsh vocals, crushing riffs and an enveloping and ever present darkness. Orifice Mysticism brings the speed and fury mixed in with some evil ambience for good measure. Hordes starts off with a sludgy doom like pace before killing it with the blast beats and going back to the sludgy style. Cursewielder does a great job transitioning smoothly between styles. Evulsion Spectre closes out the demo with some killer some classic thrashy and old school sounding Black Metal.

Cursewielder has already gone into a second printing of this release at the time of this review as they are already begining to cause a stir in the extreme underground. It will be interesting to see what they have in store for us when the release a full album.

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DAWN OF OUROBOROS – The Art of Morphology – REVIEW


The San Francisco Bay Area has always been a hot spot for Metal from the early 80’s Thrash scene to today. Dawn of Ouroboros proudly carry on the tradition of bringing fresh and exciting new exteme music to the masses with their debut release, “The Art of Morphology.”

This album is somewhat difficult to review but I do not mean that in any bad way whatsoever. In fact it is quite the opposite as this is an extemely great listen. Let’s start off by taking everything you know about Black Metal and toss it aside. Yes, I know that is a cliche thing to say but that principle completely applies here. From the gentle opening chords of “Revivied Spirits,” the album sets an deep atmospheric tone then hits hard into blast beats, harsh vocals and buzzsaw guitars for the second half of the song. The next song, “Pinnacle Induced Vertigo” also starts in the same kind of matter but this track has a more melodic feel. The clean vocals are really effective here as well. Vocalist Chelsea Murphy has some incredible range and talent. Normally I hate when bands mix vocal styles with a  passion but somehow it the folks in Dawn pull it off.

“Gateway to Tenebrosity” is a short piano instrumental that leads perfectly into “Lunar Cathexis.” Here Murphy blends vocals styles again, going from sweet to demonic on a more Black Metal sounding track. This is the theme throughout the entire album and what leads into it’s difficulty to review. Dawn of Ouroboros are constantly changing their sound and style. The change, however, is never jarring and flows well with the rest of the song. This is a highly recommneded listen as it takes all of your preconceived notions and flips them on their head. I am sure after a few more listens, I will pick up on more subtleties and complexities.

I’ll just close this by saying, “Go forth and listen now!”


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My first impression of this album based on the psychedelic looking Dungeons and Dragons inspired artwork, is that it looks like a cross between Eddie from Iron Maiden and Rita Repulsa from The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. That may sound like an offbeat and strange comparison but it somehow works. Tombtoker and Haze Mage are a strange combination that also somehow just works. Both bands come from a very Doom and Sludge background and can lay out some heavy and thick grooves.

Tombtoker is the heavier of the 2 with guttural vocals and sludgy guitars tones. Braise the Dead is a catchy opener with some great riffing and killer grooves. Botched Bastard (which is a great song title) slows things down but keeps the heaviness.

Haze Mage is on the other side of the spectrum here with their Sabbath meets Sleep style of hazy guitars and Doom and Groove sound. Sleepers takes you on a trip back in time of thick smoke covered venues and 70’s stoner jam bands. Pit Fighter is more upbeat with some great tempo changes and crawling solos.

Splits are a great way to introduce yourself to a band you may have never heard or heard of before. This split does an incredible job of taking 2 different types of bands with the same sound that go great together.

Find this EP in this month’s Coffee Subscriptions!

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