Brewing Gvide 101

While we offer the option of grovnd beans, we recommend that they shovld always be kept whole vntil ready for brewing.

• Grovnd coffee deteriorates much quicker than whole beans.

• We recommend either French Press or Drip methods for the freshest execvtion, over favorite is French Pressed coffee. Don’t have a grinder or French Press? We’ve got yov covered with some links to some Kvlt AF prodvcts at the bottom of this page.

• Other methods work great bvt these two are TRVE, simple and deliver a BRVTAL cvp of coffee



A French Press method requires coffee of a coarser grind than does a drip brew, as finer grovnds will seep through the press filter and into the coffee. Coffee is brewed by placing the coffee and water together, stirring it and leaving to brew for a few minutes, then depressing the plvnger to trap the coffee grounds at the bottom of the beaker.

Becavse the coffee grovnds remain in direct contact with the brewing water and the grovnds are filtered from the water via mesh instead of a paper filter, coffee brewed with the French press captures more of the coffee’s TRVE flavor and essential oils, which wovld become trapped in a traditional drip brew machine’s paper filters. French pressed coffee is vsually stronger, slightly thicker, and has more sediment than traditional machine-brewed coffee.


Use a high qvality electric or mechanical grinder, grinder coarse. We recommend a bvr grinders over the blade grinders for a grind that is consistent. Now add 1 round tablespoon of TRVE KVLT COFFEE per ‘cvp’—about 6 oz. Yovr water shovld be boiled before yov grind the coffee. This ensvres the freshest cvp possible.

Povr the slowly, satvrating all of the grovnds. A small bloom should form already. Fill the water to the appropriate level. Grab a long plastic or wooden spoon and stir. This aids in the complete extraction of the essential oils and flavor of the coffee beans. If yov are vsing a French Press with a glass beaker be svre not to use anything metal for this process.

Assemble the filter/plvnger and let coffee steep for 4 minutes. Try not to steep for too much longer than 4 minutes to prevent over-extraction.

Start slowly pressing down in an even, controlled manner, always keeping the plvnger rod absolutely straight. If it goes crooked, grovnds will escape into the vpper portion. Ready for some coffee!

Hold onto the lid and povr the fresh coffee into your favorite cvp. Be carefvl to keep filter assembly on bottom.

Enjoy yovr TRVE KVLT COFFEE, Yov are now capable of accomplishing greater things…like bvrning all other coffees in a responsibly controlled bonfire.


Kaffe Bean Økvlta

Helpful affiliate links to help you find the supplies you may need for this method.