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Grindcore has never been known for its…err..cleanliness. That was before the fellows from Antiseptic came along with a simple message to the kids in the pit: “Wash your hands, wear deodorant and take a shower at least once a day.”

Based on the concept and song titles alone, I knew this was gonna be a fun spin. With clever titles such as, “Feasting on Bathsalts,” “From Dust til Dawn, ” and “Where the Germs Live,” Anitseptic deliver plenty of rapid fired humor and heaviness.

Musically, Antiseptic deliver some pretty standard Grindcore with heavily distorted guitars, inhuman, monstrous vocals and savage beats usually delivered in short less than 20 second bursts. Thankfully Antiseptic was kind enough to add in plenty of grooves on this recording to break up the audio assault.Interestingly, the closing track, “De Mysteriis Dom Sanitize,” clocks in at just over 3 minutes. As the name implies, Antiseptic perform there version of the classic Mayhem track.

Make sure to stay until the very end for a very special message from a very special guest.