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If there is at least one great thing that has come out of Ohio (besides Trve Kvlt of course) is some damn fine quality Metal. Hanging Fortress formed in the city of Toledo in 2018. They play mostly traditional Death Metal for the most part with heavily Doom influenced guitar riffs and hardcore chuggs.

The band has been pretty busy during their relatively short existence already releasing two EPs before their first full length album here with “Darkness Devours.” While most of the musical output is in the slow to mid range with plenty of doom soaked guitars and coming across rather sludgy, this is not necessarily a Doom Metal album.  There is still plenty of rage and Death Metal influenced aggression here. The vocals are oozing, sick and guttural blending in perfectly with Hanging Fortress’ Overall sound. No high speeds here, but plenty of brutality. 

“Burned Alive,” serves as a great opening track as it starts things off slow and dark with pounding drums, a powerful rhythm section and ugly, unhuman vocals. “Blood Mountain,” does manage to bring the tempo up a bit into blast beat territory leading into a fantastic groove that was made to get heads banging. 

If you like your Death Metal well produced, heavy AS FUCK with plenty of Doom to spare, be sure to give this one a spin. 

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Florida is brutal. Brutal heat, brutal storms, brutal people and brutal death metal. Intoxicated are adding another element of brutality to that list with their thrash infused debut release, “Walled.” This album has been a long time coming for the group with almost 30 years in the making as the band worked on other projects touring and playing with such acts as Obituary and Andrew W.K. The Trio never gave up on their original dream of playing killer no holds barred thrash metal . With that in mind, the tracks on this album feel like they bridge that early 90’s thrash and death metal gap. 


The album cover immediately gives off a Municipal Waste feel and for me that’s a sign of some killer thrash. The vocals are clean but have a certain dirty quality to them. The guitars are loaded with plenty of banging riffs and are tight. It’s clear this band has been together for quite some time. Openers “Smash the Line,” and “Get the Rope” are total thrashers that will make you want to fuck shit up in the pit. The second half of the album is where the bands musicianship really shines with tight riffs and grooves and some nasty vocals. 


This album lives up to the hype. Let’s just hope they do not make us wait another 30 years before giving us more. 


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LETULARIUS – Parasitic Subjugation – REVIEW


Lectularius bills itself as a “Brutal parasitic Death Metal from Dayton, Ohio.” This is a pretty apt description. When you stop to think about, bed bugs are fucking brutal and metal as hell. They feast on your blood as you sleep, multiply alarmingly fast, are seemingly impossible to kill and always return just like any good movie villain. It’s a surprise metal bands don’t sing about parasites as much. The name of the album, “Parasitic Subjugation,” is the perfect title to describe the type of music that’s in store with plenty of horrific tales of disgusting and terrifying minute blood suckers. The voice overs that introduce the songs are a nice touch and just as horrifying as the songs themselves. 


Parasitic Subjugation is a treat for fans of old school brutal Death Metal. Plenty of crunchy, heavy riffs, deep guttural vocals and screams pound their sound into your skull. The group also manages to add a touch of Grindcore to mix things up. There are only 5 songs on this release, but each song varies enough to warrant several replays. Hopefully the world gets it’s shit together as this would be a cool act to catch live. This a classic no frills unapologetic Brutal Death Metal album that may leave double checking your bed for unexpected visitors before turning off the lights 

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Not much is known about the mysterious Cursewielder. The group hailing from South Ireland, released their debut demo EP, Arma Christ via Fomorian Hate Recordings earlier this year. With only 3 songs, it’s a short but powerful listen. The recording is extremly raw, dark and murky as fuck. Just the way we like it!  This demo is covered in plenty of harsh vocals, crushing riffs and an enveloping and ever present darkness. Orifice Mysticism brings the speed and fury mixed in with some evil ambience for good measure. Hordes starts off with a sludgy doom like pace before killing it with the blast beats and going back to the sludgy style. Cursewielder does a great job transitioning smoothly between styles. Evulsion Spectre closes out the demo with some killer some classic thrashy and old school sounding Black Metal.

Cursewielder has already gone into a second printing of this release at the time of this review as they are already begining to cause a stir in the extreme underground. It will be interesting to see what they have in store for us when the release a full album.

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My first impression of this album based on the psychedelic looking Dungeons and Dragons inspired artwork, is that it looks like a cross between Eddie from Iron Maiden and Rita Repulsa from The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. That may sound like an offbeat and strange comparison but it somehow works. Tombtoker and Haze Mage are a strange combination that also somehow just works. Both bands come from a very Doom and Sludge background and can lay out some heavy and thick grooves.

Tombtoker is the heavier of the 2 with guttural vocals and sludgy guitars tones. Braise the Dead is a catchy opener with some great riffing and killer grooves. Botched Bastard (which is a great song title) slows things down but keeps the heaviness.

Haze Mage is on the other side of the spectrum here with their Sabbath meets Sleep style of hazy guitars and Doom and Groove sound. Sleepers takes you on a trip back in time of thick smoke covered venues and 70’s stoner jam bands. Pit Fighter is more upbeat with some great tempo changes and crawling solos.

Splits are a great way to introduce yourself to a band you may have never heard or heard of before. This split does an incredible job of taking 2 different types of bands with the same sound that go great together.

Find this EP in this month’s Coffee Subscriptions!

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2843263799 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff tracklist=false artwork=small]

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ETERNAL ARMAGEDDON – In Light In Dark In Hate – Album Review


Black Thrash Bastards is the perfect opening track for this debut album from the Bangladesh trio Eternal Armageddon. It kicks you hard in the teeth from the get go with thrashy guitars, raspy vocals and punishing drumming. They sound and feel like a bunch of Black Thrash Bastards. Seriously. This is pure trashy classic Bay Area inspired Thrash sprinkled with heavy does of Black Metal and cooked to perfection. Fans of Midnight, Venom and Sodom will want to pick this one up quick. Hell, fans of Metal should check these guys out.

Vocals are filthy, guitars are buzzing and drums are blasting, yet this is an extemely captive listen with plenty of octane to keep you coming back for more. Hazam the Black Reaper manages to slow things down for just a moment before going for an early NWOBM sound. It is just as awesome as it sounds. The guitar work for the rest of the album is very heavily Thrash influenced but works oh so well. Once the plague of COVID-19 is over, I can see huge circle pits forming anytime this band takes the stage.

In Light In Dark In Hate is a solid listen from start to finish. Incredible hooks, slick production and enough raw energy to put them at the top of their tier.

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SALLOW MOTH – The Larval Hope – Album Review


The Larval Hope is an excellent science fiction/B-Movie themed concept album composed by sole member Garry Brents. Get your popcorn ready as you prepare to listen to a brutal tales of celestial humanoid nature preserving moths as they battle an evil human army bent on total space colonization. Think Avatar but actually well worth listening to and fucking metal! There are plenty of bands that write about demons, vikings and dragons, it’s refreshing to see such an original concept here. It is also interesting to note that 90% of digital proceeds of this album’s sales will be donated to animal sanctuaries.

We have some great classic sounding Death Metal here that is reminiscent of the earlier works of Morbid Angel and even Death. While you can hear the old school influence, the album does not rely heavily on the sounds from those classic acts. There are plenty of great hooks (“Death Mutation Vs. Metallurgic Summonings” being a great example) sludgy riffs and plenty of atmosphere that keeps The Larval Hope fresh and original and not just carbon copy of tried and true Death Metal.

This is an album that is best experienced from start to finish as is the case with most concept albums. “Glimpse the Unthinkable” clocking in around 9 minutes is an excellent closer bringing in several Death Metal elements and tying it perfectly fit the The Larval Hope saga. While this album is short, you will want to spin it a few times as there is plenty of high quality material here to interest even the most elitist of metal listeners.


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CRUCIFIED MORTALS – Converted by Decapitation Album Review

Crucified Mortals brings old school thrash from Cleveland, Ohio. Playing 80’s inspired thrash has been popular with many new metal groups over the last few years with no slow down of the trend in sight. Luckily, Crucified Mortals are not a band that relies heavily on a gimmick or genre.

Most of this EP sounds like a cross between early death metal and thrash. Craig “Reaper” Horval lays down some seriously angry vocals here that are strong and howling, sounding somewhere in between classic Venom and even the more modern black thrashers Midnight. The layered riffs on this release are sure to have many banging their heads along with their darkened and dedicated thrash melodies. Sentenced to Extermination starts off with a haunting voice over regarding Nazi gas chambers only to be brutally followed by sick lyrics, pounding drums and intense leads. If this song dosen’t get you into the pit, nothing will.

Converted to Decapitation does an excellent job of flying the flag of well revered “Bay Area Thrash” scene and is definitely worth checking out even if you are not a die hard thrash fan with a denim vest covered in patches, blood and piss.


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LADY BEAST – The Early Collection Review


And now for something completely different.

Here at Trve Kvlt Coffee we love our metal just like our coffee; Black as the grave and evil as fuck, but that dosen’t mean we can’t stray from our usual path of destruction on occasion. Lady Beast bring the power and the fury of traditional NWOBHM music with a heavy nod to Iron Maiden. And trust us, this is a good thing! The Early Collection collects some of bands best tracks from their first three studio albums.

The Maiden influence is strong throughout this release with it’s galloping beats, harmonizing guitars and operatic vocals. Lady Beast has an old school style that is simple, yet satisfying with it’s overly cheesy song titles such as Metal Rules, Heavy Metal Destiny and We are the Witches. They may be song titles that our 8th grade selves may have come up with but they are nonetheless fun and catchy. As with most compilations a cover is included and the band does a great job on Judas Priest’s Ram it Down.

What really sets Lady Beast apart from other bands in their genre is the lead vocalist, Deborah Levine. Not just a cliche female lead vocalist, Levine has the pipe power to make Lady Beast a memorable band. If you are looking for a band the captures the early 80’s metal scene with a fresh, yet familiar approach, Lady Beast is not to be missed.