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We are back with a second helping of Stoner Doom for the month of January. This time around, things are a little soft and calm with WyndRider at the helm.

WyndRider emerged from the Appalachian Mountain area of Tennessee in and released their debut self titled album in 2023. Their must be something in the water of the Bible Belt because this is some serious good ol’ Southern Doom.

This album lazily floats you along with deep, warm and fuzzy tones instantly gets your body moving. Vocalist Chloe Gould perfectly bluesy/soul/haunting vocals blend into the groove perfectly. As the tracks plod along you’ll feel if you can actually feel a smoky haze start to feel the room around you. WyndRyder do a great job of capturing that early Black Sabbath feeling in Metal; Occult rock with great grooves and plenty of dark atmosphere.

Listening to Revival you will instantly feel the Sabbath influenced riffs with an almost distinctive tone. Don’t let that discount the band as another simple Sabbath worship band. Gould’s warm and haunting vocals really add a bit of a swagger that helps WyndRyder over the pack.

Album #2 for WyndRyder is yet another step forward for the group.  With 2 strong releases in a relatively short time, WyndRyder is a band to watch.



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Faster than the Devil 3 – Review


Here we go again!

Wise Blood’s Faster than the Devil compilation series, started in 2022, has quickly become one of my favorite album releases to look forward to each and every year. Sure 2025 looks nutty but at least we will get Faster than the Devil IV! 

Remember the legendary Metal Blade’s Metal Massacre compilation series that introduced the world to some of the biggest names in Thash such as Slayer and Metallia something or other. That’s exactly what’s happening in this series. So if you’ve always wanted to be into a band before they got big, you’re looking for something fresh and cool or if you’ve been wondering if the new kids can still Thrash, this comp is for you.

The 4 bands included this time around are Bloodletter (Chicago), Ninth Realm (Maryland), Acid Mass (Cincinnati) and Grozov (Philadelphia.) Each band provided 3 tracks of brain melding thrash metal that runs the gambit of the genre.

Faster than the Devil 3 has it all. Old school early 80’s traditional thrash, nasty black metal and crust and some more light hearted (but still awesome) tracks.

Grozov’s closing track, “Bitchin’ Leather,” is a fun bop to listen to as I wait for the announcement  of Faster than the Devil IV. 

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A LA CARTE – Born to Entertain – REVIEW


I’m not a big turkey guy when it comes to Thanksgiving. Sure, I’ll savory some on the day but for me the real stars of the meal are the abundant offering of side dishes available. Among my favorites are mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and cranberry sauce (but only if it retains its traditional dog food can shape.)

If A La Carte’s new album is any indication, I will be trying a few new sides this year. “Ashtray Souffle,” “Chamber Pot Pie,” and “Maxi Pad Thai,” are just a few of the scrumptious options available on their latest release, Born to Entertain. 

A La Carte out of Lima, Ohio accurately describes itself as “Brutal gruesome food porn with a beat.” Beyond the humorous gimmick is an incredible band that has already upped their game from their debut album, Soup Dejour. Opening with the title track, A La Carte waste no time with thunderous beats, devilish dual vocals, some killer riffs.

The sound bites are the perfect palate cleanser as you move on to the next dish (or track). While the song titles and lyrics are goofy and fun don’t let that cause you to sleep on the band’s incredible musicianship as the songs are incredibly technical and savage. The dual vocals really up the game from their previous release. “Chamber Pot Pie “is one of the best offerings from this meal.

There are also plenty of good ol’ monster and caveman riffs to keep even the most jaded Death Metal fans happy. These cannibalistic cooks certainly know their way around a recording studio just as well as they know their way around a kitchen. Born to Entertain does just that and you will find yourself going back for seconds (and thirds).

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MORGUE TERROR – Violent and Murderous Thoughts – Review


Fuck this holiday shit. Let’s get Nasty. Morgue Teror is back with again with their second EP of 2024, Violent and Murderous Thoughts. The band, fitting from Buffalo New York, with their down and dirty, murky as fuck old school Death Metal are here to chase away any of those pesky Xmas Carols or Karens.

From the moment the needle drops on this EP, you are punched square in the jaw and kicked in the bread basket for good measure. The addition of drummer Dustin Klimek (ex Full of Hell) Morgue Terror is already showing significant growth since their debut EP earlier this year. Klimek’s aggressive assault adds plenty of power to an already violent sound.

The vocals are super guttural and savage. I can’t understand a thing he’s going on about. He could be singing about his recent trip to the grocery store for all I care. The album tracks are mostly about murders committed by serial killers and other tales to tell your children before sending them off to bed.

While this EP is filled with plenty of break neck brutality there are plenty of groove elements as well. “Poisonous Prayer,” starts out with funky filling bass line before settling into some nice infectious and nasty grooves.

Morgue Terror has shown some impressive growth from their last EP which was just released earlier this year. With their uncompromising brutality of classic Death Metal that is raw and nasty with a touch of more modern production.

Turn this one up!

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I freakin’ love Graveripper. Loud, fast and filthy they are totally my jam. Corey Park is the vocalist, guitarist and one of the main writers for Graveripper, and his latest offering, Restless Dreams is another banger but for completely different reasons.

Parks created an eerie soundscape with his Restless Dreams project that is heavily influenced by the survival horror video game series, Silent Hill. Having never played a game in the series, I can’t compare the album to the game but I can totally feel the uneasiness, wonder, and terror tensions in the music.

Unlike other ambient albums, Ward goes for more of an industrial approach, leaning into much more of a video game feel. The opening track sounds exactly like what one would hear as they load the title screen and begin their epic adventure.  Whereas, the closing track sounds like something that would play over the closing credits.

Again, I’m not sure how well the songs aline with the source material, I can confidently say even without any of that knowledge, I enjoy the hell out of this release.

Now I’m going to hunt down a cheap copy of Silent Hill.

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In a world with a million bands releasing millions of records, I’m bound to miss a few bands here and there. Case in point, The Absence. Their newest self titled release is their 6th album to date and the first time I’ve heard them. Looks like I have some homework to do. With their American meets Scandinavian Melodic Death Metal  blend this is a killer listen from start to finish.

6 albums in, The Absence seem to have a clear cut idea on what does and dosen’t work. The tracks are tight and clear, generally ranging into the 3 to 4 minute range.  There is plenty of headbanging riffs, grooves and even some vocal hooks that keep the album moving

“The Silent Eye,” is a Melodic banger and the perfect track single track to attract new listeners. (Hell, it totally worked on me.) Plenty of killer riffs and grooves continue to melt your face with “Vagrant Death.” The Absence does give you a moment to pick your brain droppings off the floor with the mid album instrumental. ” Surface of a Dead World.”

After the brief calm, The Absence kick the heaviness up with “Grieving Winds,” including angrier riffs and vocals. It’s a less melodic more pounding approach and I am here for it.

With some incredible clear production, plenty of amazing riffs and grooves while still managing to keep the brutality, The Absence new album is a banger.

Now if you’ll excuse me while I’ll stage dive head first into their discography.

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With the extra long holiday weekend, it’s a great time to take a moment, reflect and relax. And what better to do just that than to listen to the mellow and raw Doom tunes from Wyndrider’s debut album.

Fans of old school Doom such as Black Sabbath and Budgie are gonna love the thick and juicy Blues flavors that run the course of the album. The fuzzy tones and flowing solos will propel you into another reality while the soothing vocals guide you along the way. Vocalist Chloe Gould’s haunting melodies blend in perfectly with Wydryder’s classic Doon approach.

Sonically this is an incredible showcase of a debut album delivering killer grooves in spades. The fuzzy guitar work throughout the recording leave a haze in the air that dosen’t seem to go away even long after the record has finished playing. WyndRyder aims to take the listener on a sonic journey and succeeds throughout much of the album.

If you are looking for something new with your Doom, you may want to look elsewhere. However, if you are looking for that old school classic Doom with a nice dash of Southern Rock and the Blues, this one is for you. Gould’s soothing vocals and the guitar tones are worth the price of admission alone.

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Recorded live from the Mile High City, Denver Colorado on July 9th of 2023,Gravehuffer’s live album perfectly captures the mayhem of one of their live shows. It’s the next best thing to actually seeing the band in person. Plus you probably won’t get any bruises, broken bones or lost shoes jamming to this one at home.

For a live recording this album sounds fantastic. You can actually make out each instrument which is even a challenge for a grind/doom/punk/etc/etc band to achieve under studio conditions. But don’t let that frighten the grindheads out there. There is still plenty of carnage happening here. “Go Murder, Pray and Die,” still comes out savage as fuck. (Just try not to tip over the couch if you are listening at home. Or do. I don’t care. I’m not your Mom)

Vocalist Travis McKenzie even provides some amusing crowd between songs often involving some clever self deprecating humor. Who knew necrophilia could be so funny?

In addition to the live show, Gravehuffer included a few cover songs. “Like Rats,” (Godflesh) “Destroyer,” (Twisted Sister) “Inca Roads,” (Frank Zappa) and “Children of the Grave.” (Black Sabbath) The Frank Zappa cover is…..interesting. However, Gravehuffer some how transitions this into a killer doom crusted cover of “Children of the Grave.”  Don’t ask me how. It just works.






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Do you love Doom Metal? Hate it? Don’t care for it? Altar of Betlegeuze has you covered with their latest release, Echoes.

The Finnish Doom masters have cleverly melded multiple styles and sounds into something that is accessible to everyone. Every note feels heavy as Altar of Betlegeuze set out to prove slower usually means heavier. Altar of Betlegeuze aren’t playing slow just for the sake of being a “Doom” band. Every note march the songs forward. No fancy fills or strange ambient passages. Throughout the recording you’ll hear harsh and clean vocals, sludgy riffs and even some hints of Groove Metal. “Embrace the Flames,” is a banger that feels a little different than the rest with its’ “speed” Altar of Betelgeuze is able to do all of this while remaining true to their original Doom beginnings, keeping it mean, slow and heavy.

If you are looking for an album to introduce yourself or a friend to Doom Metal without scaring them away, look no further.




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TYRANNUS/Magicide – Tory Punching Music – REVIEW

Tyrannus and Magicide’s newest release may be short but it leaves a mark. The mash up idea of blast beating black metal and hard hitting EDM may sound weird on paper but totally works here

In this under 10 minute EP Tyrannus’s contribution track takes up the majority of the length with it’s 5 minute “Bricks & Flesh”. It’s a brutal assault that is sure to leave you senseless. There is plenty of finesse in their attack however. Between the buzzsaw driven guitars are some killer solos and savage vocals. The drums on this song are simply amazing.

Magicide starts off their contribution with “Madness” that starts off with some odd sounding EDM music mixed with some crushing Death Metal beats. Odd but it works. “Tory Punching Music,” is more of the same. While the track runs only 1:39 feel free to spend more time punching and beating down fascists.

Tory Punching Music is a short and savage EP. The contrast between blast driven metal and EDM beats are enough to keep this release interesting despite its short length.