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Review of HELLEBORUS – Wares Saprophytic Divinations

HELLEBORUS – Wares Saprophytic Divinations

Symphonic Black Metal from Colorado? Sign me up. Helleborus sophomoric effort is 50 plus
minutes of pulsating Black Metal stacked and filled with plenty of evil ambiance and darkened
orchestras. Helleborus manages to meld both old school and modern Black Metal into a fresh
experience. While there is nothing that is completely new or surprising on this album, it is
nonetheless a hell of a lot of fun.
The opening track, Celestial Grave, haunting atmospheric beginning that slowly turns into
thunderous drumming and killer vocals sets the tone for much of the album. Further tracks
unleash a fury of well crafted guitar riffs and accompanied with hellacious symphonic orchestra
scores. There is a perfect balance of melodies here which creates an intense listen.
Blakulla’s Meadow is the stand out song for me with headbanging riffs and awesome
atmospheric melodies. If you are into any type of Symphonic or Atmospheric Black Metal, do
yourself a favor this holiday season and gift this album to yourself and a fellow fiend.


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