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ZANJEER – Parcham Buland Ast – REVIEW

Zanjeer play some explosive hardcore punk that’s as hard hitting as it is catchy. Their debut EP of 6 tracks with each song barley of a minute is a quick listen. It quickly hits hard and ends just as fast but it’s just as long as it needs to be. The album feels like a quick shot of adrenaline, the kind of album you need to listen to pump yourself up beforeĀ  performing some sort of mundane task.

Zanjeer is out of Breman, Germany and composed of highly skilled hardcore veterans from across the robe. United by political and religious frustration Zanjeer’s songs are written in a multitude of different languages. While the lyrics maybe difficult to understand, the message is clear. Zanjeer is pissed and punk as fuck and they aren’t going to take what’s going on with the world today.

Got a few minutes to kill? Check this EP out now.