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TYRANNUS/Magicide – Tory Punching Music – REVIEW

Tyrannus and Magicide’s newest release may be short but it leaves a mark. The mash up idea of blast beating black metal and hard hitting EDM may sound weird on paper but totally works here

In this under 10 minute EP Tyrannus’s contribution track takes up the majority of the length with it’s 5 minute “Bricks & Flesh”. It’s a brutal assault that is sure to leave you senseless. There is plenty of finesse in their attack however. Between the buzzsaw driven guitars are some killer solos and savage vocals. The drums on this song are simply amazing.

Magicide starts off their contribution with “Madness” that starts off with some odd sounding EDM music mixed with some crushing Death Metal beats. Odd but it works. “Tory Punching Music,” is more of the same. While the track runs only 1:39 feel free to spend more time punching and beating down fascists.

Tory Punching Music is a short and savage EP. The contrast between blast driven metal and EDM beats are enough to keep this release interesting despite its short length.