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LIKHELM – Alt Skal Svinne Henn – REVIEW


Alright! Here’s some pure 100% Norwegian Black Metal, something here at Trve Kvlt Coffee that is close to our little blackened hearts. Why many newer bands claim to have a “True Norwegian Black Metal,” sound, they often fall short or miss the mark entirely. Thankfully, Likhelm delivers on this promise.  Likelm’s debut EP is a welcome recording full of plenty of all school raw black metal tones, haunting atmospheres and unlike most traditional black metal, some very clean and slick production.

The tracks are vicious with blistering tremlo guitars with shrieks and guttural vocals amongst somber and haunting backgrounds. Spoken vocals are included as well. Likhelm keeps the atmosphere to a minimum instead relying on a satisfying raw and unforgiving experience. The closing track, “Stormen,” is an absolute banger that takes advantage of all these elements. If you dig early Immortal and Mayhem, this one can’t be missed.